I often use my own writing in my storytellings, for both children and adult audiences. I can create short stories and poems to commission.
In 2014, I finished writing and published a children’s picture book, aimed at ages 2-5 years, called The Rare Monkey with the Colourful Bottom; in 2016 I wrote and published The Rare Monkey Can’t, Couldn’t, Can! which was shortlisted for the 2017 Rubery Book Award Children’s.
“It’s a lovely book with a valuable lesson demonstrated in a pleasing way.”
Rubery Book Award 2017.

In 2017, I had the chance to research, create and perform a 20 minute storytelling about Hasting’s during the Victorian times – this was part of an event called Storylines. I also had the chance to attend a poetry workshop which sparked my interest in creating poetry. That year, I attend a workshop by Spread the Word and wrote Flat, which was shortlisted and published in their 2017 anthology City of Stories.
In 2018, The Princes Trust commissioned me to write a short story on the theme of Christmas. I wrote and performed Christmas Tree for their 2018 Christmas concert.

In 2019, my poem called 3 and one of flash fictions called Desirable were performed at the Tristan Bates Theatre, by Naked Frank Theatre as part of a project exploring mental health.

I have just finished a collection of my flash fictions, called Four Walls which I’ve made available as an ebook and audiobook. I’m continuing to work on a collection of poems, another collection of short stories and more rhymes and short stories for children/younger audiences.